berisi artikel artikel ringan dan luas yang akan membawa setiap pembacanya merasakan sensasi "santai" yang begitu dalam, membuat rileks dan melupakan sejenak penatnya kehidupan yang melelahkan (emang begitulah kehidupan di dunia), Nikmati artikel, gambar, dan video yang ada di blog ini sambil mencicipi atau menghirup makanan serta minuman yang anda buat. setelah kembali bersemangat silahkan kembali ke rutinitas anda,selamat menikmati. ;-)
Sukses itu hak setiap orang...barang siapa yang mau sukses berprilakulah seperti orang sukses Lagi santai?? INGAT""

The Libyan Flag is the only flag in the whole world with just one single color and no design, insignia, or other details.

Typical taxi in Libya. Add 12 people inside. (Link)

Thirsty animal. (Link)

Strange product sold in Libya, Virginity wash! Do you use it to maintain your virginity? Or use it when you lose it? Or is this supposed to be used to restore your virginity? It costs six dinars - that would be a cheap fix for the girls who have lost it before their wedding night. (Link)

Construction fail. (Link)

Car fixing: the mechanic is getting in the middle of the trouble. (Link)

Nice parking job. (Link)

Want some ‘guice'? (Link)

How did it get there? (Link)

What is this lamb doing up there, and most important, how did he get there? (Link)

Buying some meat in the supermarket. (Link)

selengkapnya klik disini ..


Posting Komentar

Gimana gan, blog ane keren kan???hehe, lebih keren lagi kalo agan sekalian ikutan komen disini, wah...pasti membawa berkah buat ane,hheee thanks gan, lagi santai???inget,

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